SONG Weifang, SUN Ling, ZHAO Na
The issue of child poverty has received widespread attention in the fields of psychology, sociology, and economics. The results showed that compared to other factors, poverty had a more potential, continuous risk on children, such as poor children are more aggressive, less attention concentration, higher level of anxiety and depress. Researchers stated that if we deal with the issue incorrectly, not only the children themselves have a huge burden, it also can effect the employment rate, education, even the crime rate. The purpose of the present study is to comb the related research on the topic of children poverty and we hope it can provided some supports for poverty studies in China.
2023 Vol. 16 (6): 483-490 [Abstract](
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WANG Xiaoxi, MA Ruimin, HU Na
Taxonomic relation and thematic relation are the most basic and widely used ways of human conception. Taxonomic relations based on similarity or shared features (e.g., sparrow-magpie), thematic relations based on co-occurrence in events or scenarios (e.g., coffee -milk). Here we report a systematic review of experimental psychology and cognitive neuroscience evidence of this distinction representation of taxonomic and thematic relations. The processing of taxonomic relationship needs to extract the static features of things, such as shape and color, and the participation of cognitive control resources; while thematic relationship needs to extract the dynamic characteristics, such as time-space relationship and event background of things, and needs the support from memory system. The research on the brain mechanism of these two kinds of relationships shows that they are separated in development trend, processing time and brain mechanism. In terms of age development trend, children are more inclined to use thematic relationship for classification; In the time process, thematic relationship is activated earlier. Taxonomic relationship closely related to anterior temporal lobe region which was directly connected prefrontal lobe. Thematic relationship processing is mainly related to the temporo-parietal junction, which is closely related to the hippocampus and visual cortex. The representation of taxonomic and thematic relationships is based on complex neural networks, involving the brain regions such as sensory perception, cognitive control and memory. Future researches were need to clarify the representation and processing neural network of these two important relationships.
2023 Vol. 16 (6): 491-501 [Abstract](
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DING Fang, ZHANG Xinyuan, LIU Jiao
The aim of this research was to explore the development and influencing factors of primary school children’s promise fulfilling. In experiment 1, by adopting the dictator game paradigm, a total of 128 primary school children aged 7, 9 and 11 years old were recruited to investigate the influence of promise methods on primary school children’s promise fulfilling under the condition of benefit loss. In experiment 2, by adopting the stop-signal task and dictator game paradigm, a total of 144 primary school children aged 7, 9 and 11 years old were recruited to investigate the influence of promise voluntary on primary school children’s promise fulfilling under the high/low inhibitory control levels. The results were as follows: (1) 9 years old was the turning age when primary school children began to fulfill promises; (2) Primary school children were easier to fulfill promises in the situations with than without benefit loss. Written promise was better than oral promise and no promise in promoting the primary school children’s promise fulfilling. The influence of promise methods on primary school children’s promise fulfilling was different in two benefit loss situations. Specifically, primary school children who adopted oral promise and no promise were more likely to fulfill promises in the benefit loss situation, whereas the difference for primary school children’s promise fulfilling with written promise was not significant in the situations with or without benefit loss; (3) Primary school children with high inhibitory control level were more inclined to fulfill promises. Primary school children who adopted voluntary promise were more willing to fulfill promises. In conclusion, the research indicates that there is a turning age in the development of primary school children’s promise fulfilling and promise fulfilling is affected by promise characteristics, benefit loss, and inhibitory control.
2023 Vol. 16 (6): 502-511 [Abstract](
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ZHANG Hang, LI weijun, ZHANG Jijia
Attractiveness plays an important role in human daily life, such as mate selection, decision making and cooperation. Facial attractiveness and vocal attractiveness has been widely examined in psychology, sociology, anthropology etc. In this article, we reviewed the research of facial attractiveness and vocal attractiveness in the view of the framework of multiple signals. From the perspective of owner, the similar mate value and social characteristic in formation, which the attractive faces and the attractive voices convey, was illustrated by the research on sexual dimorphism, symmetry and averageness of face and voice. From the perspective of perceiver, evidence was accumulated from the studies of cognitive neuroscience which demonstrated the unified coding strategy for processing the attractive signal of both face and voice. The framework of multiple signals may provide a theoretical framework for researchers to examine the cross-channel integration of attractive signals in the future.
2023 Vol. 16 (6): 512-524 [Abstract](
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Applied Psychology Research
CHEN Xiao, ZHANG Huiying, XIE Jun
Leaders tend to consider vision communication as a crucial tool to motivate employees towards achieving organizational goals. Previous research has explored the motivational effect of visionary leadership on followers’ goal pursuit. However, the impact of visionary leadership on employees’ interpersonal helping behavior remains unknown. This study applied psychological ownership theory and regulatory fit theory to analyze a three-wave data of 347 employees in organizations, aiming to examine the effect of visionary leadership on employees’ interpersonal helping. The findings indicated that visionary leadership was positively associated with interpersonal helping, and organizational psychological ownership mediated this relationship. Moreover, employees’ promotion focus strengthened the positive relationship between visionary leadership and organizational psychological ownership.
2023 Vol. 16 (6): 525-535 [Abstract](
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PENG Zhen, CHEN Qiyao, WAN Wei, LI Mingze
Based on social learning theory, this study seeked to investigate the transfer effect of head nurses’ environmental protection behavior on nurses’ environmental protection behavior, and the mediating role of nurses’ environmental knowledge and the moderating role of nurses’ imitation tendency in the above relationship. This study used survey method and collected questionnaires from nurses in the disinfection supply centers of hospitals. Regression analysis revealed that the head nurse’s environmental protection behavior positively influences the nurses’ environmental protection behavior, and the nurses’ environmental protection knowledge played a mediating role in this relationship. Additionally, the nurses’ imitation tendency positively moderated the relationship between the head nurse’s environmental protection behavior and the nurse’s environmental protection knowledge, as well as the indirect effect of the head nurse’s environmental protection behavior on nurses’ environmental protection behavior via nurses’ environmental knowledge. By identifying the underlying mechanism and boundary condition of the transfer effect of head nurse’s environmental protection behavior, this study offer insights for practitioners regarding environment management in hospital.
2023 Vol. 16 (6): 536-542 [Abstract](
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SHI Heyuzi, YU Guangyu, PENG Shuting, ZHAO Min, PENG Jian
Temporal leadership is regarded by scholars as an effective way of leadership and is also valued by managers. But what is the key to converting the temporal leadership behavior exhibited by leaders into effective output? To explore this issue, this study was based on social information processing theory and collected leader member matching data from 216 employees in 55 teams for regression analysis. The results indicated that temporal leadership positively affected team innovation through leadership effectiveness consensus, while leader’s boundary spanning behavior moderated this indirect relationship. That is, when the level of leader’s boundary spanning behavior was low, time leadership had a stronger positive impact on team innovation through leadership effectiveness consensus; On the contrary, when the level of leader’s boundary spanning behavior was high, the positive impact of temporal leadership on team innovation through leadership effectiveness consensued weakened. This study compensates for the shortcomings of existing theories and provides theoretical guidance for leveraging the effectiveness of temporal leadership to promote team innovation.
2023 Vol. 16 (6): 543-551 [Abstract](
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School Psychology Research
CHEN Ying, ZHANG Ye, WANG Hongliang, WANG Kai
To investigate the effect of campus exclusion on secondary vocational school students’ sense meaning in life and the role of psychological capital and negative coping styles, 1043 secondary vocational school students were investigated with the Adolescent Campus Exclusion Questionnaire, the Psychological Capital Questionnaire, the Negative Coping Style Questionnaire, and the Meaning in Life Scale. The results indicated that: (1) Campus exclusion negatively predicted secondary vocational school students’ meaning in life; (2) Campus exclusion predicted secondary vocational school students’ meaning in life through the separate mediating effects of psychological capital and negative coping styles, and also through the serial mediating of psychological capital and negative coping styles. A mechanism of “interpersonal environmental stress→personality traits development→coping style application →meaning in life construction” was finally clear.
2023 Vol. 16 (6): 552-559 [Abstract](
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JIANG Shunyi, ZHENG Shuyue, TAO Yachen
The purpose of this study was to investigate the mesomeric effect of dispositional self-consciousness and dysfunctional attitude in the relationship between environmental sensitivity and adolescent depression. A total of 639 students from a high school in Kunming City, Yunnan Province and a high school in Dehong Dai and Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture were selected through random cluster sampling. A questionnaire survey was conducted using the High Sensitivity Children's Scale-21 item version, the Self-Consciousness Scale, the Dysfunction Attitude Scale, and the Center for Epidemio-logical Studies Depression Scale. The results showed that: (1) Environmental sensitivity, dispositional self-consciousness and dysfunctional attitude could significantly and positively predict adolescent depression;(2)Dispositional self-consciousness and dysfunctional attitude played a partial mediating role between environmental sensitivity and adolescent depression; (3) Dispositional self-consciousness and dysfunctional attitude played a chain mediating role between environmental sensitivity and adolescent depression. The results showed that environmental sensitivity, dispositional self-consciousness and dysfunctional attitude played a chain mediating role in the occurrence and maintenance mechanism of adolescent depression, which provides some theoretical support for future research on adolescent depression intervention.
2023 Vol. 16 (6): 560-569 [Abstract](
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SHEN Jiexia, YI Nala
To examine the relationship between rejection sensitivity, emotion regulation, and social adjustment in adolescent, a survey was conducted in 814 middle school students using the Children’s Rejection Sensitivity Questionnaire, the Emotion Regulation Questionnaire and Adolescent Social Adjustment Assessment Scale. The results showed that: (1) rejection sensitivity was positively related to negative adjustment and negatively related to cognitive reappraisal; (2) positive adjustment was positively related to cognitive reappraisal and negatively related to expressive suppression; negative adjustment was negatively related to cognitive reappraisal, and positively related to expressive suppression; (3) cognitive reappraisal mediated the associations between rejection sensitivity and negative adjustment. In conclusion, the effect of rejection sensitivity on negative adjustment outcome among adolescent was partially mediated by cognitive reappraisal.
2023 Vol. 16 (6): 570-576 [Abstract](
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