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[2020, 13(4): -.] (108)

[2020, 13(4): -.] (101)

[2020, 13(4): -.] (103)

[2020, 13(4): -.] (119)
Parents' workaholism and adolescent's emotional and behavioral problems in dual-earner nuclear family: The mediating role of emotional exhaustion
LI Cirong, LI Chunxuan, GONG Shuying, WANG Jiye [2023, 16(3): 272-272.] (180)

[2021, 14(01): -.] (112)

[2021, 14(01): -.] (96)

[2021, 14(01): -.] (107)

[2021, 14(01): -.] (118)

[2021, 14(2): -.] (89)

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[2021, 14(4): -.] (101)

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[2021, 14(4): -.] (97)

[2021, 14(5): -.] (96)

[2021, 14(5): -.] (75)
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