The impact of temporal leadership on team innovation from the perspective of social information processing theory |
SHI Heyuzi1, YU Guangyu2, PENG Shuting3, ZHAO Min3, PENG Jian2 |
1 School of Marxism, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 102400; 2 School of Economics and Management, Southeast University, Nanjing 211189; 3 School of Management, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070 |
Abstract Temporal leadership is regarded by scholars as an effective way of leadership and is also valued by managers. But what is the key to converting the temporal leadership behavior exhibited by leaders into effective output? To explore this issue, this study was based on social information processing theory and collected leader member matching data from 216 employees in 55 teams for regression analysis. The results indicated that temporal leadership positively affected team innovation through leadership effectiveness consensus, while leader’s boundary spanning behavior moderated this indirect relationship. That is, when the level of leader’s boundary spanning behavior was low, time leadership had a stronger positive impact on team innovation through leadership effectiveness consensus; On the contrary, when the level of leader’s boundary spanning behavior was high, the positive impact of temporal leadership on team innovation through leadership effectiveness consensued weakened. This study compensates for the shortcomings of existing theories and provides theoretical guidance for leveraging the effectiveness of temporal leadership to promote team innovation.
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