The effect of campus exclusion on secondary vocational school students’ meaning in life: The serial mediating of psychological capital and negative coping style |
CHEN Ying, ZHANG Ye, WANG Hongliang, WANG Kai |
College of Educational Science, Shenyang Normal University, Shenyang 110034 |
Abstract To investigate the effect of campus exclusion on secondary vocational school students’ sense meaning in life and the role of psychological capital and negative coping styles, 1043 secondary vocational school students were investigated with the Adolescent Campus Exclusion Questionnaire, the Psychological Capital Questionnaire, the Negative Coping Style Questionnaire, and the Meaning in Life Scale. The results indicated that: (1) Campus exclusion negatively predicted secondary vocational school students’ meaning in life; (2) Campus exclusion predicted secondary vocational school students’ meaning in life through the separate mediating effects of psychological capital and negative coping styles, and also through the serial mediating of psychological capital and negative coping styles. A mechanism of “interpersonal environmental stress→personality traits development→coping style application →meaning in life construction” was finally clear.
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