Influence of head nurses’ environmental protection behavior on nurses’ environmental protection behavior in disinfection supply center: A social learning perspective |
PENG Zhen1, CHEN Qiyao2, WAN Wei3, LI Mingze3 |
1 Disinfection Supply Center, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University, Nanchang 330008; 2 School of Management, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou 510006; 3 School of Management, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070 |
Abstract Based on social learning theory, this study seeked to investigate the transfer effect of head nurses’ environmental protection behavior on nurses’ environmental protection behavior, and the mediating role of nurses’ environmental knowledge and the moderating role of nurses’ imitation tendency in the above relationship. This study used survey method and collected questionnaires from nurses in the disinfection supply centers of hospitals. Regression analysis revealed that the head nurse’s environmental protection behavior positively influences the nurses’ environmental protection behavior, and the nurses’ environmental protection knowledge played a mediating role in this relationship. Additionally, the nurses’ imitation tendency positively moderated the relationship between the head nurse’s environmental protection behavior and the nurse’s environmental protection knowledge, as well as the indirect effect of the head nurse’s environmental protection behavior on nurses’ environmental protection behavior via nurses’ environmental knowledge. By identifying the underlying mechanism and boundary condition of the transfer effect of head nurse’s environmental protection behavior, this study offer insights for practitioners regarding environment management in hospital.
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