GUO Siping, ZHANG Xiaobing
Watson's stimulus-response theory emphasizes that there is no response without stimulus and attaches importance to the study of stimulus sources. According to Skinner's behavioral reinforcement theory, there will also be a response without stimulation and the stimulus is only a means of reinforcement. Compared with traditional behaviorism, Bandura's social learning theory emphasizes the mutual influence of subject, behavior and environment, and attaches importance to people's subjective initiative and cognitive factors. However, Bandura's theory fails to consider that culture as a symbolic heritage unconsciously affects people's behavior. Cultural psychology is close to Skinner's reinforcement theory, which holds that the early cultural life environment unconsciously trains and presuppositions various types of unconscious cultural responses of individuals, and the stimulation of acquired social events only selects some of them as a way of reinforcement.
2022 Vol. 15 (2): 99-104 [Abstract](
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YU Feng
The reinforcement mechanism proposed by Alert Bandura in social learning theory makes agency as the determinant characteristic of human beings. Agency has three properties: forethought, self-reactiveness, and self-reflectiveness. Self-efficacy is the prototype of self-reflectiveness while moral disengagement reflects the typical self-regulation. Moral disengagement is different from cognitive dissonance because moral disengagement is somewhat the escape from the expected self-sanction and reflects the bounded freedom.
2022 Vol. 15 (2): 105-109 [Abstract](
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CUI Guanghui
Albert Bandura proposed a view of control that a person adapts to society by self regulation. This view keeps the Western tradition of ideal, mechanical and adaptive subjectivity, and emphasizes a person's active practice in society. While focusing on a person's utilitarian social achievements, it neglects desire in cognitive practice and especially spiritual transcendence. By returning to his/her embodied situation, experiencing unavoidable slipping into abyss, and trying to be peace with wounds and darkness, one learns to empty him/herself and dwells in the embrace of the earth.
2022 Vol. 15 (2): 110-114 [Abstract](
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YIN Rong
The triadic reciprocality determinism proposed by Bandura holds that there is a dynamic interaction among subject, behavior and environment, which not only breaks through the traditional behaviorism, but also shows the characteristics of cognitive psychology. It also coincides with the view of social constructivism, humanism, concerted evolution and biotic potential, and shows an epochal insight.
2022 Vol. 15 (2): 115-120 [Abstract](
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YANG Wendeng, LIANG Shuang
The theory of moral disengagement was first put forward by Bandura, moral disengagement is a set of interrelated cognitive strategies or mechanisms of individuals, which try to separate their own behavior from their intrinsic values, so as to make the behavior appear less harmful and the individual less responsible, and avoid the self-sanction caused by the violation of the value standard of the individual behavior. This paper discusses the origin of Bandura's concept of moral disengagement, introduces its connotation and eight specific mechanisms of action, and summarizes the application of moral disengagement theory in six fields, such as entertainment, guns, enterprises, death penalty, anti-terrorism and environmental sustainability.
2022 Vol. 15 (2): 121-125 [Abstract](
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LI Mingping, LU Jiamei
To investigate the optimistic expectation about the future under high or low ego depletion, this study was based on the self-control resource model and used a behavioural experiment. Participants completed the Stroop task either requiring self-control or not. Then each of them finished the self-peer comparing task to evaluate the possibility of future events happens to themself as an indicator of optimistic expectations. Results showed that individuals who were high depleted (vs. low-depleted) supposed that positive events were less likely to happen to themselves in the future, whereas negative events were more likely. Revealed that individuals who were depleted indeed exhibited less-optimistic expectations about their future.
2022 Vol. 15 (2): 126-131 [Abstract](
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CHEN Xing, DENG Huan
Suicide is a global public health problem, there is an urgent need to have a comprehensive theoretical model to describe and explain the occurrence process of suicide, so as to promote the study of suicide. This paper provides a conceptual discussion on some mature models and compares their advantages and disadvantages. CoP, SAMS and CMSB, as the earlier theoretical models, have certain guiding significance, but none of them has made a detailed distinction between suicidal ideation and suicidal behavior. IPTS is the first theoretical model that focuses on the relationship between suicidal ideation and suicidal behavior, and introduces acquired ability, which is a new influencing factor. Based on the former model, IMV explains suicidal behaviors from the biological psychological social background more specifically. 3ST integrates many related factors and explains the mechanism of suicidal behavior from many angles.
2022 Vol. 15 (2): 132-140 [Abstract](
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Applied Psychology Research
LUO Jinxi, SHI Wendian, HOU Lulu
Unethical pro-organizational behavior (UPB) has been widely received attention. Through literature review, the paper finds that the concept of UPB is not clear. Some studies believe that employees engage in UPB in that they really care about their organization, while some studies regard all unethical behaviors whose results are beneficial to the organization as UPB. Therefore, this paper divides the existing research into motivation-oriented study and outcome-oriented study, and introduces the concept and formation mechanism of UPB from the two perspectives, aiming to clarify the ambiguity of the concept of UPB and promote the further integration of theoretical research. This paper suggests that future studies should definite clearly the concept and structure of UPB, improve the measurement methods, explore the intervention measures of UPB and expand the aftereffect research of UPB.
2022 Vol. 15 (2): 141-151 [Abstract](
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HE Jiamei, YIN Jie
The summary of the measurement tools for environmental self-identity indicates that self-identity goes through at least three stages, namely, cognition, motivation, and volition, to have impacts on individuals' environmental decision-making. In the cognition process of environmental decision-making, self-conscious emotions can be easily triggered among individuals with a high level of environmental self-identity, which can be attributed to the benefits of environmental decision-making. Then, the autonomous motivation and intuitive thinking system in these individuals would be activated in the motivation process. In the volition process, past environmental behaviors remind individuals of what type of person they are and prompt them continue or discontinue their environmental protection. In the future, studies should explore the neural mechanism and some basic cognitive processes, such as attention.
2022 Vol. 15 (2): 152-159 [Abstract](
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PAN Sicun, HUANG Xiting
Mate choice copying is a non-independent method of human beings when choosing a spouse by copying others' choice to save cost, thereby obtaining advantages of mate-selection. Many studies have found that females prefer mate choice copying strategies than males, which may be the result of the evolution of individual's social adaptative mechanism. Mate choice copying can avoid women's high costs and risks, while it is of slight significance for men to adopt mate choice copying strategy, which on the contrary will intensify intrasexual competition during mate choice. However, in the process of human reproduction, the differences between marriage system and social cultures may also lead to the gender difference in mate choice of the overall society. In the future, further studies on human mate choice copying phenomenon from the perspective of neural mechanism are needed, so as to establish a more reasonable and effective theoretical model.
2022 Vol. 15 (2): 160-166 [Abstract](
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School Psychology Research
XU Ke, XIN Zhaoyang, DU Jing
Success quality is an excellent quality necessary for an individual to achieve success goals. Under the background of the new era, success quality is a diverse concept. This article used semi-structured interviews, literature analysis and other research methods to initially establish the dimensions of the success quality of postgraduates in the new era. After analyzing 858 original data with factor analysis method, a four-dimensional model of the success quality of postgraduates in the new era was obtained, namely, humanistic quality, ability quality, psychological quality and interpersonal relationship. The model fited well. This model provides a basis for the subsequent development of a new-era postgraduate success quality evaluation tools, and also provides some ideas for the future development of postgraduate success quality education.
2022 Vol. 15 (2): 167-173 [Abstract](
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GUO Caixin, HU Xiaolan, LI Guoqiang, FANG Jing
To explore the mechanisms between time management disposition and high school students' test anxiety, with questionnaire survey method, 424 high school students completed questionnaire. The research tools included Test Anxiety Scale(TAS), General Self-efficacy Scale(GSES), The Resilience Scale for Chinese Adolescents(RSCA) and Adolescence Time Management Disposition Scale(ATMD). The results showed that:(1)The scores of test anxiety were significantly and negatively correlated with time control behaviors, time efficacy, self-efficacy and resilience.(2)Structural equation model analysis showed that time-control behaviors could not only have a positive impact on test anxiety directly, but also it could have a negative impact on test-anxiety through the chain mediation. Moreover, this mediation-effect manifested itself through three paths: the chain mediation effect of time efficacy and resilience; the chain mediation effect of self-efficacy and resilience; the chain mediation effect of time efficacy, self-efficacy and resilience. (3)Multi-group persistence test showed that the structure model of high school students with different genders, grades and liberal arts or science was constant. As a result, there were two underlying mechanisms of time management disposition on high school students' test anxiety: Time control behaviors could not only affect high school students' test anxiety directly, but also have indirect effect to it through increasing time efficacy or self-efficacy(or the chain mediating of time efficacy and self-efficacy) to further improve resilience. These indirect effects were actually masking effect.
2022 Vol. 15 (2): 174-184 [Abstract](
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WEI Xinni, BAI Baoyu, ZHONG Nian
To explore the relationship between filial piety and academic performance, and the mechanism underlying this relationship among rural primary students. The reciprocal filial piety subscale, self-esteem scale, teacher-student relationship questionnaire, and academic performance report were integrated into a survey. Participants were 559 primary students grade 4 to 6 living in rural areas of Hubei Province. Results showed that: (1) Reciprocal filial piety, self-esteem, teacher-student relationship, and academic performance were significantly and positively correlated with each other, and reciprocal filial piety positively predicted academic performance; (2) Self-esteem and teacher-student relationship, both independently and serially, mediated the association between reciprocal filial piety and academic performance. These results contribute to understanding how reciprocal filial piety affects the academic performance of primary school students under the dual filial piety model and provide new insights into the positive roles of filial piety and the improvement of the academic performance of rural primary school students.
2022 Vol. 15 (2): 185-192 [Abstract](
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