Exploration on the success quality structure of postgraduates in the new era |
XU Ke1, XIN Zhaoyang2, DU Jing2 |
1 School of Management, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444; 2 School of Education, Henan University, Kaifeng 475004 |
Abstract Success quality is an excellent quality necessary for an individual to achieve success goals. Under the background of the new era, success quality is a diverse concept. This article used semi-structured interviews, literature analysis and other research methods to initially establish the dimensions of the success quality of postgraduates in the new era. After analyzing 858 original data with factor analysis method, a four-dimensional model of the success quality of postgraduates in the new era was obtained, namely, humanistic quality, ability quality, psychological quality and interpersonal relationship. The model fited well. This model provides a basis for the subsequent development of a new-era postgraduate success quality evaluation tools, and also provides some ideas for the future development of postgraduate success quality education.
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