Re-evaluation of Bandura's social learning theory: From the perspective of cultural psychology |
GUO Siping, ZHANG Xiaobing |
School of Education, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou 510006 |
Abstract Watson's stimulus-response theory emphasizes that there is no response without stimulus and attaches importance to the study of stimulus sources. According to Skinner's behavioral reinforcement theory, there will also be a response without stimulation and the stimulus is only a means of reinforcement. Compared with traditional behaviorism, Bandura's social learning theory emphasizes the mutual influence of subject, behavior and environment, and attaches importance to people's subjective initiative and cognitive factors. However, Bandura's theory fails to consider that culture as a symbolic heritage unconsciously affects people's behavior. Cultural psychology is close to Skinner's reinforcement theory, which holds that the early cultural life environment unconsciously trains and presuppositions various types of unconscious cultural responses of individuals, and the stimulation of acquired social events only selects some of them as a way of reinforcement.
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