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Psychological Research

2024 Vol.17,No.5

Published 2024-10-01

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Theory Review
WANG Jiying, CHEN Xin

Organisms act on the world through bodily actions to seek a meaningful environment conducive to survival. Therefore, cognition is a kind of sense-making. Sense-making is not only cognitive, but also emotional and affective, which are unified in the physical activity of organism’ sense-making. The body creates the emotional experience. Emotion and affection are a kind of physical understanding of situational stimulation, as well as a tendency for action. Emotions and affections are not “pure mental events” that take place only in the brain, but extend beyond the head and skin to environmental resources and establish a coupled whole with the external world. The enactivist theory of emotion provides a new perspective for us to reconsider the the essence of emotion.

2024 Vol. 17 (5): 387-394 [Abstract]( 0 HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1113 KB)  ( 40 )

Fundamental Research
ZHANG Yin, LI Yue, CHEN Wei, LI Yongxin

Long-term and working memories are important ways of storing information. Long-term memory has an effect on working memory. However, there are different views on the mechanism of long-term memory specifically affecting working memory. This study focuses on the effects of long-term memory on working memory from the perspective of gating mechanisms. First, we review the paradigms and results of gating mechanisms. Including the Recall reporting paradigm, Hebb paradigm, and Reference-back paradigm. It has been shown that the “attentional gate” controls the flow of information from long-term memory to working memory. The working memory representation is updated when the gates are opened. When the gate is closed, working memory representation is maintained undisturbed. Second, we discussed the cognitive mechanisms of gating from the perspectives of item and associative representations. Finally, we make a summary and put forward some suggestions for further research.

2024 Vol. 17 (5): 395-403 [Abstract]( 0 HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1019 KB)  ( 44 )

YE Zetong, MENG Yingfang, LIN Yihui, YU Haili

In order to explore the effect of attentional resources on the interference effect of implicit memory retrieval, this article adopted the learning-test paradigm in experiment 1, and investigateed the effect of retrieval interference on implicit memory by setting up interference tasks in the extraction stage; Experiment 2 used Stroop paradigm set up interference tasks of different difficulties in the extraction stage to investigate the impact of the difficulty of the interference task on the interference of implicit memory retrieval. The results showed that extraction interference destroys implicit memory, and the difficulty of the interference task would adjust the size of the interference effect of the extraction of implicit memory, which meaned that implicit memory would be adjusted by the extraction interference task to the competition for attention resources, and it was not completely automated processing.

2024 Vol. 17 (5): 404-410 [Abstract]( 0 HTML (1 KB)  PDF (774 KB)  ( 43 )

PAN Wenjing, LI Xiangping

As a social moral emotion mixed with “respect” and “fear”, awe is closely related to human life beliefs and ways of survival. In the background of Confucian culture, awe is more of a kind of awe based on sages which is generated in interpersonal interaction. In experience, awe can be divided into positive awe and threat awe, while threat awe based on fear often brings more negative effects. In addition to paying attention to the negative effects of awe, the future study of awe should also actively expand the research boundary of psychology and include the dimensions of historical culture and social structure into the research domains.

2024 Vol. 17 (5): 411-417 [Abstract]( 0 HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1002 KB)  ( 16 )

Applied Psychology Research
LIU Lei, SUN Wujun

Impression management in recruitment is an applicant’s attempt to influence the interviewer’s evaluation and decision through various strategies and is often used by applicants in personnel selection. This paper provided an in-depth analysis of the effectiveness of impression management from the perspective of cognitive information processing and social interaction by exploring the efficiency and fairness of impression management in recruitment and selection. We suggest the desirability of impression management and the trade-offs that need attention in personnel selection. Future research should be based on a dichotomous perspective of efficiency and fairness, combine the needs of AI recruitment and special groups, explore multiple aspects around effectiveness of impression management, and focus on the dynamic changes and interactive impacts in impression management.

2024 Vol. 17 (5): 418-425 [Abstract]( 0 HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1038 KB)  ( 10 )

LI Xueling, KANG Jia

In order to investigate the influence and influence mechanism of mindfulness training under the longitudinal frame, we used a randomized controlled field experiment and a longitudinal pre-/post-test design with four measurement waves in 225 entrepreneurs. The scales included Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire, Self-Compassion Scale and Entrepreneurial Persistence Scale. The results were as follows: (1) The mindfulness training had short-and long-term positive influences on the entrepreneurial persistence of entrepreneurs. (2) Self-compassion played a mediating role in the relationship between mindfulness training and entrepreneurial persistence. (3) Positive reappraisal mediated and moderated the relationship between mindfulness training and self-compassion. The results showed that mindfulness training predicted high entrepreneurial persistence by improving positive reappraisal and boosting and sustaining self-compassion.

2024 Vol. 17 (5): 426-434 [Abstract]( 0 HTML (1 KB)  PDF (935 KB)  ( 10 )

School Psychology Research
GAI Xiaosong, LIU Fangqing, WU Xiaojing, WANG Hong

School engagement, including individuals’ school-related behaviors, thoughts and feelings, was an important indicator of the quality of education. A large-scale investigation was to develop School Engagement Questionnaire, describe the influence factors of school engagement, and develop a school engagement norm of middle, high and college students. The results revealed that the School Engagement Questionnaire had good item discrimination, reliability and validity in middle school, high school and college. Students from high SES family got higher score of school engagement than students from low SES. The influence of family background on school engagement decreased with time. The national average norm, percentile norm and diagnostic criteria of school engagement were established for middle school, high school and college students.

2024 Vol. 17 (5): 435-444 [Abstract]( 0 HTML (1 KB)  PDF (962 KB)  ( 9 )

ZHU Lingyun

To explore the influence of family support,proactive personality and time management disposition on the career adaptability of high school students, a questionnaire survey was conducted among 3736 high school students in Beijing by using Family Support Scale, Proactive Personality Scale, Adolescence Time Management Disposition Inventory and The Career Adapt-Abilities Scale. Results showed that:(1) There were significant positive correlations among family support, proactive personality, time management disposition and career adaptability. (2) After controlling the influences of gender and grade, family support positively predicted high school students’ career adaptability, and indirectly predicted the career adaptability through proactive personality and time management disposition. Conclusions:Family support positively predicted high school students’ career adaptability, proactive personality and time management disposition, and proactive personality and time management disposition played chain mediating effect between family support and career adaptability of high school students.

2024 Vol. 17 (5): 445-452 [Abstract]( 0 HTML (1 KB)  PDF (934 KB)  ( 17 )

HENG Shupeng, YIN Meng, ZHAO Huanfang, WANG Minghui

The present study explored the influence of avatar gender on math task performance and the mechanism. The experiment employed a 2 (male / female avatar) × 2 (high/ low self-affirmation) between-subjects design, dependent variables were math working self-concept and math task performance. Results of ANOVAs showed that there were main effects for avatar gender and for self-affirmation on both math working self-concept and math task performance, and there was also a significant interaction between avatar gender and self-affirmation for both dependent variables. The results also revealed a mediated moderation. Self-affirmation moderated the effect of avatar gender on math task performance, and the moderating effect of self-affirmation was mediated by math working self-concept.

2024 Vol. 17 (5): 453-460 [Abstract]( 0 HTML (1 KB)  PDF (976 KB)  ( 6 )

WU Jiayu, ZHANG Shanshan, LIU Zhihong

To examine the mediating role of social anxiety and the moderating role of left-behind experience in the relationship between school bullying and sleep quality, a sample of 758 middle school students completed measures of school bullying questionnaire, social interaction anxiety scale and Pittsburgh sleep quality index. The results showed that: (1) Traditional bullying/Cyberbullying could positively predict sleep quality; (2) Social anxiety played a partially mediating role of the relationship between school bullying and sleep quality; (3) Left-behind experience moderated the mediating model of cyberbullying. Thus, social anxiety played a mediating role of the relationship between traditional bullying/cyberbullying and sleep quality, but left-behind experience only played a moderating role of the relationship between cyberbullying and sleep quality.

2024 Vol. 17 (5): 461-469 [Abstract]( 0 HTML (1 KB)  PDF (935 KB)  ( 25 )

SHAO Hongning, GUO Shasha, CHENG Ming, LI Wenhui

This study used eye movement technology to explore the influence of background music on primary school students’ reading comprehension through two experiments. In experiment 1, participants were asked to complete reading comprehension of different difficulties with or without background music. In experiment 2, participants were asked to complete reading comprehension of different difficulties with sad or cheerful background music. The results indicated that difficult reading materials increased the cognitive load of primary school students in reading comprehension and hindered the early processing of key sentences. Background music could improve reading speed and facilitate the early processing of key words in difficult reading. Cheerful background music could promote primary school students’ early processing of key sentences in reading materials, especially to improve the recognition speed of simple reading, while sad background music is conducive to the processing of key words in difficult reading materials.

2024 Vol. 17 (5): 470-477 [Abstract]( 0 HTML (1 KB)  PDF (927 KB)  ( 23 )

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