Knowledge structure and boundary expansion of awe research |
PAN Wenjing1, LI Xiangping2 |
1 Si-Mian Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241; 2 School of Social Development, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241 |
Abstract As a social moral emotion mixed with “respect” and “fear”, awe is closely related to human life beliefs and ways of survival. In the background of Confucian culture, awe is more of a kind of awe based on sages which is generated in interpersonal interaction. In experience, awe can be divided into positive awe and threat awe, while threat awe based on fear often brings more negative effects. In addition to paying attention to the negative effects of awe, the future study of awe should also actively expand the research boundary of psychology and include the dimensions of historical culture and social structure into the research domains.
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