National norm and status quo of school engagement in middle school and college |
GAI Xiaosong1, LIU Fangqing2,3, WU Xiaojing1, WANG Hong1 |
1 School of Psychology, Northeast Normal University, Changchun 130024; 2 Institute of Mental Health, Nanjing Xiaozhuang University, Nanjing 210017; 3 Nanjing Institute of Minor Mental Health Research, Nanjing 210017 |
Abstract School engagement, including individuals’ school-related behaviors, thoughts and feelings, was an important indicator of the quality of education. A large-scale investigation was to develop School Engagement Questionnaire, describe the influence factors of school engagement, and develop a school engagement norm of middle, high and college students. The results revealed that the School Engagement Questionnaire had good item discrimination, reliability and validity in middle school, high school and college. Students from high SES family got higher score of school engagement than students from low SES. The influence of family background on school engagement decreased with time. The national average norm, percentile norm and diagnostic criteria of school engagement were established for middle school, high school and college students.
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