Sense-making: The theory of emotion from the perspective of enactivism |
WANG Jiying1, CHEN Xin2 |
1 School of Education, Jiangsu Open University, Nanjing 210036; 2 School of Psychology, Henan University, Kaifeng 475004 |
Abstract Organisms act on the world through bodily actions to seek a meaningful environment conducive to survival. Therefore, cognition is a kind of sense-making. Sense-making is not only cognitive, but also emotional and affective, which are unified in the physical activity of organism’ sense-making. The body creates the emotional experience. Emotion and affection are a kind of physical understanding of situational stimulation, as well as a tendency for action. Emotions and affections are not “pure mental events” that take place only in the brain, but extend beyond the head and skin to environmental resources and establish a coupled whole with the external world. The enactivist theory of emotion provides a new perspective for us to reconsider the the essence of emotion.
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