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Theory Review
LANG Xuemai, GAO Jingwei, LI Xinli, LUO Lan, ZHAO Jing, DING Xiaobin

Previous studies of facial expressions have typically used facial stimuli without the body, while investigations of body expressions have universally used bodily stimuli that retain only the head outline (without facial features). Researchers have sought to investigate the integration of facial and bodily expressions by altering the temporal variation and spatial arrangement of the face and somatic presentations, changing the target cues for emotion recognition. Compared to purely emotional face perception, face-body emotion integration showed significant emotion enhancement effects, plasticity in emotion perception, and individual differences in emotion processing strategies. Some current models with two separate processing pathways, dorsal and ventral, describe mechanisms of face-body integration but neglect the role of emotion and movement in integrated processing. In the future, there is a need to investigate further the characteristics of face-body integration at different stages of processing, to explore the characteristics of face-body emotion integration in individuals with emotion processing disorders; and to focus on individual differences in face-body emotion processing.

2024 Vol. 17 (4): 291-300 [Abstract]( 0 HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1118 KB)  ( 81 )

Fundamental Research
LI Min, SUN Xiaohui, LI Wenjie, LI Mengxia

As the unbounded number line estimation task was proposed by Cohen in 2011, more and more studies have shown that this task overcomes the limitations of the traditional bounded number line estimation task, and it is able to reflect a purer quantitative representation. However, the similarities and differences between the model and strategy of unbounded number line estimation and bounded number line estimation are yet to be scrutinized. This article respectively sorts out the number representation models and estimation strategies in the bounded and unbounded number line estimation tasks and analyzes the similarities and differences of the number line representation models as well as the development and transformation of estimation strategies in the two tasks, and further, speculates on the relationship between the estimation strategy and the representation model, in order to provide a reference for the related research of number cognition and number line representation.

2024 Vol. 17 (4): 301-307 [Abstract]( 0 HTML (1 KB)  PDF (941 KB)  ( 17 )

LIAO Chenchen, ZHANG Jinkun

Retrieving learning materials produce greater memory retention than repeated study in the same amount of time, which is referred to as Retrieval Practice Effect (RPE). The elaborative retrieval account proposes that RPE is due to the semantic activation of information during retrieval. Whereas the episodic context account assumes that the reinstatement and updated context enhances subsequent recall. The article discussed evidences of these accounts at the behavioral and neural levels, and pointed out that encoding and retrieval are not completely opposed in RPE. Instead, they are possible to integrate with each other. Future work could further clarify the episodic context account, and researchers may use neurocognitive technique to investigate whether there is an interaction between semantic elaboration and context reinstatement during retrieval, they can also expand learning materials and recording methods in neurocognitive studies.

2024 Vol. 17 (4): 308-314 [Abstract]( 0 HTML (1 KB)  PDF (902 KB)  ( 21 )

YANG Yiping, JIA Ning

Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test (RMET) is a widely used international test for measuring theory of mind. This study used 337 Chinese college students as subjects to revise the Chinese version of the test, got the full version of 36 items and a simplified version of 22 items. Among them, the Cronbach’s α of the full version test and the simplified version test were 0.69 and 0.72 respectively. Compared with the revised version of the multinational test, it was confirmed that the Chinese version of RMET(RMET-C) has good reliability and validity, and could be used to assess the theory of mind in Chinese university students. Finally, the study also prompted users to choose to use the full version test or the simplified version test according to the specific situation.

2024 Vol. 17 (4): 315-322 [Abstract]( 0 HTML (1 KB)  PDF (932 KB)  ( 34 )

Applied Psychology Research
LING Bin, XUE Jinxia

Error reporting refers to a kind of work behavior in which employees reveal the issues related to the work errors to the superior through oral or formal error reporting system. This behavior is an effective way for organizations to identify, prevent and manage organizational errors, and it is of great significance to prevent organizational failures, reduce the damage of errors, and improve organizational learning and innovation. This paper focused on the antecedent mechanism of error reporting from four theoretical perspectives, including social learning, cognitive emotion and organizational system. It is suggested that future research should focus on the theoretical construction and integrated measurement development of error reporting behavior as well as multi-level analysis and situational interaction.

2024 Vol. 17 (4): 323-331 [Abstract]( 0 HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1084 KB)  ( 34 )

LIU Jia, BAI Xuejun

Three experiments were conducted to explore the fairness standard and accept-willingness of social justice perception. In experiment 1, the fairness standard was investigated, and college students were participated in. The results showed that compared with interpersonal justice perception, social justice perception had a higher standard of fairness which was more affected by the proportional-order effect. Experiment 2 explored the accept-willingness. 2(justice perception: interpersonal justice perception、social justice perception)×2(proportional-order: low first、high first)was designed between participants, and the results showed that compared with interpersonal justice perception, social justice perception had higher accept-willingness which was more affected by the proportional-order effect. Experiment 3 further examined the universality of fairness standard and accept-willingness of social justice perception in the absence of other ratios and interpersonal justice situations. The results showed that these characteristics of social justice perception were stable. The overall study showed that: in social justice perception, the fairness standard was higher, while people were more willing to accept outcomes no matter whether they were satisfied with the distribution, and the proportion-order effect had an important influence on social justice perception.

2024 Vol. 17 (4): 332-339 [Abstract]( 0 HTML (1 KB)  PDF (963 KB)  ( 27 )

ZHANG Li, LU Fang, DAI Binrong, ZHAI Youhua, LIU Hailun

A complete mental health state not only refers to the absence of mental illness, but also points to the presence of positive mental health, which has been termed as the dual factor model (DFM) of mental health. Based on the DFM, the current study developed and validated a mental health scale for teenagers by incorporating both negative and positive psychological measures. Three tests were conducted in total. Test 1 collected data from 536 teenager participants, which was used for conducting term analysis and exploratory factor analysis. Data from Test 2 (499 participants) was used for confirmatory factor analysis and internal consistency analysis, and data from Test 3 (304 participants) for retest analysis and criterion relevance analysis. Results revealed five subscales with a total of 77 items, namely depression, anxiety, aggression, problematic internet use, and positive mental health, in which the former four subscales formed negative mental health. Each subscale had good structure validity, criterion validity (0.42-0.63), internal consistency reliability (0.78-0.93), and test-retest reliability (0.82-0.93). The internal consistency coefficient of the whole scale was 0.94. Five subscales can be fitted into the dual factor model characterized by negative and positive mental health. Therefore, the current scale is suitable to measure the mental health condition of Chinese adolescents.

2024 Vol. 17 (4): 340-351 [Abstract]( 0 HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1186 KB)  ( 69 )

School Psychology Research
HUI Qiuping, YAO Honghong, WEI Hua, HE Anming

In present study, 818 college students were tested by Implicit Beliefs about Emotion Scale, Maladaptive Cognition Scale, Dual Filial Piety Belief Scale and the Mobile Phone Addiction Tendency Scale to explore the relationship between implicit beliefs about emotion and mobile phone addiction, as well as the mechanism of maladaptive cognition and filial piety belief. Results showed that:(1)There was a positive correlation between implicit beliefs about emotion and mobile phone addiction;(2)Maladaptive cognition played a mediating role in implicit beliefs about emotion and mobile phone addiction; (3)Reciprocal filial piety belief played a moderating role between implicit beliefs about emotion and maladaptive cognition, while authoritative filial piety did not play a moderating role.

2024 Vol. 17 (4): 352-359 [Abstract]( 0 HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1019 KB)  ( 67 )

LIU Yang

To investigate the relationship between physical exercise, personality diathesis, optimistic intelligence quotient and college students’ life meaning sense, 1204 college students were investigated using the Physical Exercise Level Scale, the College Student Personality diathesis Scale, the College Students’ Optimistic Intelligence Quotient Questionnaire and the College Students’ Life Meaning Sense Scale. The results found that: (1) There was a significant positive correlation between physical exercise and personality diathesis, optimistic intelligence quotient, life meaning sense; (2) Physical exercise could directly affect the life meaning sense, and could also have an indirect impact on the life meaning sense through the mediating role of personality diathesis and optimistic intelligence quotient. Specifically, it includeed two mediation paths, namely, the mediation path of personality diathesis and the mediation path of personality quality and happiness. The chain intermediary path of the quotient. The construction of mediating effected and chained mediating effect models revealsed the internal mechanism of the impact of physical exercise on college students’ life meaning sense, and had certain theoretical significance and reference value for the cultivation of college students’ healthy personality and the promotion of their life meaning sense.

2024 Vol. 17 (4): 360-366 [Abstract]( 0 HTML (1 KB)  PDF (870 KB)  ( 65 )

PAN Chao, LI Shenghao, YANG Xinli, GAO Dongdong

This present study aimed to explore the relationship among relative deprivation, rumination, moral disengagement and cyberbullying, by surveying 630 college students with Relative Deprivation Scale, Rumination Scale, Cyberbullying Scale and Moral Disengagement Scale. The results showed that: (1) Relative deprivation had a significant direct effect on cyberbullying and rumination played a mediating role between them; (2) Moral disengagement moderated the relation between relative deprivation and cyberbullying students, and also moderated the relation between rumination and cyberbullying, that is, there was a significant positive relation between relative deprivation and cyberbullying or rumination and cyberbullying under the high moral disengagement level, however, there was a non-significant relation between relative deprivation and cyberbullying or rumination and cyberbullying under the low moral disengagement level. Research reveals the impact of relative deprivation on cyberbullying and its internal mechanism, which helps to understand the influencing factors of cyberbullying, so as to strengthen future intervention and reduce or improve the social problem of cyberbullying.

2024 Vol. 17 (4): 367-374 [Abstract]( 0 HTML (1 KB)  PDF (967 KB)  ( 34 )

SUN Qifei, JIAO Luying, ZHANG Guoli

This study investigated the effects of physical activity on adolescent social adjustment using the Physical Activity Rating Scale (PARS-3), the Subjective Exercise Experience Scale (SEES), the Physical Self-Description Questionnaire (PSDQ), and the Assessment of Adolescent Social Adjustment Status Questionnaire (ASAAS) in 453 secondary school students. The results showed that the physical activity and exercise experienced well-being of boys were significantly higher than that of girls. The exercise experienced well-being, body self-esteem and social adjustment of adolescents with high physical activity level were significantly higher than those with low physical activity level. Exercise experienced well-being and body esteem played a chain mediating role in physical activity and adolescents’ social adjustment. There was gender difference in the chain mediation model of promoting effect of adolescent physical activity on social adjustment, the path of physical activity → body self-esteem → social adjustment was significant in girls, but not in boys. This study reveals the mechanism of the effect of physical activity on adolescents’ social adjustment, which has reference value for the integration of sports and education.

2024 Vol. 17 (4): 375-382 [Abstract]( 0 HTML (1 KB)  PDF (834 KB)  ( 36 )

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