The influence of physical exercise on college students’ life meaning sense:Chain mediating of personality diathesis and optimistic intelligence quotient |
LIU Yang |
School of Physical Education Institute, Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, Zhengzhou 450002 |
Abstract To investigate the relationship between physical exercise, personality diathesis, optimistic intelligence quotient and college students’ life meaning sense, 1204 college students were investigated using the Physical Exercise Level Scale, the College Student Personality diathesis Scale, the College Students’ Optimistic Intelligence Quotient Questionnaire and the College Students’ Life Meaning Sense Scale. The results found that: (1) There was a significant positive correlation between physical exercise and personality diathesis, optimistic intelligence quotient, life meaning sense; (2) Physical exercise could directly affect the life meaning sense, and could also have an indirect impact on the life meaning sense through the mediating role of personality diathesis and optimistic intelligence quotient. Specifically, it includeed two mediation paths, namely, the mediation path of personality diathesis and the mediation path of personality quality and happiness. The chain intermediary path of the quotient. The construction of mediating effected and chained mediating effect models revealsed the internal mechanism of the impact of physical exercise on college students’ life meaning sense, and had certain theoretical significance and reference value for the cultivation of college students’ healthy personality and the promotion of their life meaning sense.
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