The effects of time management disposition on high school students' test anxiety:A multiple mediation model |
GUO Caixin1, HU Xiaolan1, LI Guoqiang2, FANG Jing3 |
1 School of Education, Hunan University of Humanities, Science and Technology, Loudi 417000; 2 Quality Monitoring and Development Planning Division of Hunan University of Humanities, Science and Technology, Loudi 417000; 3 Department of Social Medicine and Health Management, Xiangya School of Public Health, Central South University, Changsha 410078 |
Abstract To explore the mechanisms between time management disposition and high school students' test anxiety, with questionnaire survey method, 424 high school students completed questionnaire. The research tools included Test Anxiety Scale(TAS), General Self-efficacy Scale(GSES), The Resilience Scale for Chinese Adolescents(RSCA) and Adolescence Time Management Disposition Scale(ATMD). The results showed that:(1)The scores of test anxiety were significantly and negatively correlated with time control behaviors, time efficacy, self-efficacy and resilience.(2)Structural equation model analysis showed that time-control behaviors could not only have a positive impact on test anxiety directly, but also it could have a negative impact on test-anxiety through the chain mediation. Moreover, this mediation-effect manifested itself through three paths: the chain mediation effect of time efficacy and resilience; the chain mediation effect of self-efficacy and resilience; the chain mediation effect of time efficacy, self-efficacy and resilience. (3)Multi-group persistence test showed that the structure model of high school students with different genders, grades and liberal arts or science was constant. As a result, there were two underlying mechanisms of time management disposition on high school students' test anxiety: Time control behaviors could not only affect high school students' test anxiety directly, but also have indirect effect to it through increasing time efficacy or self-efficacy(or the chain mediating of time efficacy and self-efficacy) to further improve resilience. These indirect effects were actually masking effect.
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