Influence of family support on the career adaptability of high school students:The chain mediating effect of proactive personality and time management disposition |
ZHU Lingyun |
Beijing Academy of Educational Sciences, Beijing 100036 |
Abstract To explore the influence of family support,proactive personality and time management disposition on the career adaptability of high school students, a questionnaire survey was conducted among 3736 high school students in Beijing by using Family Support Scale, Proactive Personality Scale, Adolescence Time Management Disposition Inventory and The Career Adapt-Abilities Scale. Results showed that:(1) There were significant positive correlations among family support, proactive personality, time management disposition and career adaptability. (2) After controlling the influences of gender and grade, family support positively predicted high school students’ career adaptability, and indirectly predicted the career adaptability through proactive personality and time management disposition. Conclusions:Family support positively predicted high school students’ career adaptability, proactive personality and time management disposition, and proactive personality and time management disposition played chain mediating effect between family support and career adaptability of high school students.
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