Unethical pro-organizational behavior: Research review and prospect |
LUO Jinxi, SHI Wendian, HOU Lulu |
College of Education, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234 |
Abstract Unethical pro-organizational behavior (UPB) has been widely received attention. Through literature review, the paper finds that the concept of UPB is not clear. Some studies believe that employees engage in UPB in that they really care about their organization, while some studies regard all unethical behaviors whose results are beneficial to the organization as UPB. Therefore, this paper divides the existing research into motivation-oriented study and outcome-oriented study, and introduces the concept and formation mechanism of UPB from the two perspectives, aiming to clarify the ambiguity of the concept of UPB and promote the further integration of theoretical research. This paper suggests that future studies should definite clearly the concept and structure of UPB, improve the measurement methods, explore the intervention measures of UPB and expand the aftereffect research of UPB.
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