The relationship between asking math teachers for help and mathematical achievement in senior one students: A multiple mediation model |
DAI Wenwu, JIA Ning |
College of Education, Hebei Normal University, Shijiazhuang 050024 |
Abstract To discuss the predictive effect of the behavior of asking math teachers for help on mathematical achievement, using the asking math teachers for help questionnaire, perceived math teacher support questionnaire, positive academic emotions scale and math engagement questionnaire to investigate 986 senior one students. The results showed that there was a triple prediction path in the relationship between asking math teachers for help and mathematical achievement, including one direct path, three simple mediation paths and four chain mediation paths. This study showed that high school students initiated to ask math teachers for help, teachers provided more support, which could stimulate students’ positive academic emotions and increase their engagement in learning, which was an important way to improve the senior one students’mathematics achievement. This is of great value for taking students as the main body of learning, cultivating individual initiative of learning and improving mathematical achievement.
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