Impact of career decision ambiguity tolerance on college students’ job search behaviors:A moderated mediation model |
GAO Bin1, CHEN Duanying2, ZHU Suijing3, HUANG Yue2 |
1 Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234; 2 School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Hubei University of Medicine, Shiyan 442000; 3 Mental Health Center, Guangxi University of Science and Technology, Liuzhou 545006 |
Abstract The present study investigated the relationship between career decision ambiguity tolerance and college student’ job search behaviors, and was to explore the mediating effect of future work self as well as the moderating effect of future time perspective. The career decision ambiguity tolerance questionnaire, future time perspective scale, future work self scale and job search behavior scale were administered to 731 college students. Results were as follows: (1) Ambiguity tolerance was positively correlated with job search behavior. (2) Future work self played a partial mediating role between ambiguity tolerance and job search behavior. (3) Future time perception could not only moderate the relationship between ambiguity tolerance and job search behavior, but also the relationship between ambiguity tolerance and future work self.
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