Influence of social emotion on prosocial behavior:The mediating effect of interpersonal trust and the moderating effect of social support |
YANG Liu1, DU Wei1, FANG Ping1,2, JIANG Yuan3 |
1 School of Psychology, Capital Normal University, Beijing 100048; 2 Faculty of Psychology, Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin 300387; 3 School of Psychology, Beijing Sport University, Beijing 100084 |
Abstract Prosocial behavior is conducive to social stability and development. This study explored the relationship between social emotions and prosocial behavior, and the role of interpersonal trust and social support. We investigated 1074 people with the Social Emotion Scale, Prosocial Tendencies Measure, Interpersonal Trust Scale, and Perceived Social Support Scale. The results showed that: (1) Social emotions positively predicted the tendency of prosocial behavior; (2) Interpersonal trust played a partial mediating role in the influence of social emotion on prosocial behavior; (3)Social support moderated the effect of social emotion on interpersonal trust. With the increase of social support, the positive prediction effect of social emotion on interpersonal trust gradually enhanced; (4) Social support also moderated the effect of social emotions on prosocial behavior. As the social support is higher, the positive predictive effect of social emotions on prosocial behavior becomes weaker.
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