Meta-analysis of the effects of music training on language attainment |
LIAO Yi1, LU Xiaobo1, ZHANG Wei2 |
1 Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084; 2 Institute of Language and Cognition, Carleton University, Ottawa K1S5B6, Canada |
Abstract This study reported a meta-analysis on the effects of music training on language attainment. A total of 29 studies and 36 independent effect sizes, including 6141 subjects were retrieved. This meta-analysis revealed that: 1) Music training had different effects on receptive learning and productive learning respectively, and the effects for music training on receptive learning were larger than that on productive learning. 2) Age was the moderator variable on the effects of music training on language attainment. 3) Background of native language and length of training had no significant effect on the relationship between music training and language attainment.
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