The relationship of social support and anxiety: The mediation effect of future time perspective |
WU Lanting1,2,3, LI Xiaobao1,2,3, LYU Houchao1,2,3 |
1 Faculty of Psychology, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715; 2 Time Psychology Research Center,Southwest University, Chongqing 400715; 3 China Community Psychology Service and ResearchCenter-SWU, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715 |
Abstract Aimed to explore the relationship and mechanism of social support and anxiety, a sample of 998 participants was recruited for the survey research. The results showed that: (1) Social support had a significant negative correlation with anxiety; (2) Social support had a significant positive correlation with open-ended FTP, but didn’t have a significant correlation with limited FTP; (3) Open-ended FTP had a significant negative correlation with anxiety, while limited FTP had a significant positive correlation with anxiety; (4) Social support significantly exerted indirect effects on anxiety through the mediation of open-ended FTP, but the indirect effect of social support on anxiety through limited FTP was not significant. The present study may contribute to a better understanding of the effects as well as its paths and conditions of social support and FTP on anxiety. Moreover, it can also provide constructive suggestions for reducing anxiety in the new era.
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