Relationship between professional identity and learning engagement for special education undergraduates: A longitudinal study |
SONG Xiaoyu1, MA Minjie1,2, MA Xue1,3, MA Ying1, WANG Tingzhao1 |
1 Faculty of Education, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi'an 710062; 2 Xi'an Mangya School,Xi'an 710014; 3 Xi'an Gaoxin No.5 Kindergarten, Xi'an 710076 |
Abstract In order to explore the causal relationship between four dimensions of professional identity and learning engagement of special education undergraduate students, 712 special education undergraduate students were followed up twice over a one-year period using the Professional Identification Questionnaire and Learning Engagement Questionnaire. The results showed that: (1) Compared with the first measurement, professional identity and its four dimensions and learning engagement were significantly improved; (2) Professional identity and its four dimensions were significantly and positively correlated with learning engagement; (3) There was a causal relationship between emotional, cognitive and appropriate professional identity and learning engagement. T1 behavioral professional identity unidirectional predicted T2 learning engagement. Overall, there was a mutual prediction relationship between professional identity and learning engagement. In conclusion, this study revealed the causal relationship between professional identity and learning engagement, and provides a theoretical basis for improving the learning investment and professional identity level of special education major undergraduates.
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