The profiles of teacher professional abilities and their influencing factors of pre-service teachers in special education |
MA Minjie1,2, DA Fang1,3, WANG Xiao1,2, WANG Tingzhao1, Song Ge4, WANG Li5,6 |
1 Faculty of Education, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi'an 710062; 2 Xi'an Mangya School, Xi'an 710014; 3 Xi'an Qizhi School, Xi'an 710068; 4 Kaifeng Experimental Kindergarten, Kaifeng 475000; 5 College of Psychology, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi'an 710062; 6 College of Psychology,Xinjiang Normal University, Urumqi 830017 |
Abstract This study investigated the profiles of professional abilities of 1969 pre-service special education teachers nationwide using the latent profile analysis method. The R3STEP command was used to examine the influence of demographic variables on the latent profiles of teacher professional abilities through polynomial logistic regression. The study also explored the factors influencing the latent profiles of professional abilities of pre-service special education teachers using the perceived social support scale and academic self-efficacy scale. The results revealed that: (1) The overall development of professional abilities in pre-service special education teachers showed a characteristic of being guided by professional ethics and advancing in four dimensions. (2) At the individual level, teacher professional abilities could be divided into four groups: high-level group, high-moderate level group, moderate-low level group, and low-level group. (3) Males and higher-grade levels were more likely to belong to the high-level group compared to females and lower-grade levels. (4) Individuals with higher perceived social support and academic self-efficacy were more likely to belong to the group with higher levels of teacher professional abilities. This study reveals the latent profiles of professional abilities of pre-service special education teachers and their influencing factors, providing references and a basis for improving their level of teacher professional abilities.
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