Relationship between perceived social support and special education postgraduates' learning engagement: The chain mediating effect of professional identity and academic self-efficacy |
YU Shitao1, SONG Xiaoyu1, HU Aixin1, ZHAO Lijun1,2, SHI Xueyun1 |
1 Faculty of Education, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi'an 710062; 2 Xi'an Qizhi School, Xi'an 710068 |
Abstract In order to explore the relationship between perceived social support, professional identity, academic self-efficacy, and learning engagement of graduate students majoring in special education, the four scales of perceived social support, academic self-efficacy, professional identity, and learning engagement were used on 195 graduate students majoring in special education. The results showed that:(1) Perceived social support could significantly predict the learning engagement of graduate students majoring in special education. (2) Perceived social support could respectively affect their learning engagement through the separate mediating role and chain mediation role of professional identity and academic self-efficacy. In summary, this study uncovered the mechanism underlying the relationship between perceived social support and learning engagement of special education graduates, which has enlightening significance for promoting the learning engagement of special education graduates.
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