A meta-analysis of turnover intention predictors among kindergarten teacher in China |
ZU Jing, SUO Changqing, DAN Fei |
College of Preschool and Primary Education, Shenyang Normal University, Shenyang 110034 |
Abstract We conducted a meta-analysis of the existing literature for the reasons on the turnover intention of kindergarten teachers in China. Forty-eight studies were included in the final analysis. Our findings showed that the attitudes and perceptions of kindergarten teachers had the highest influence on their turnover intention. The results showed that teaching age, age, welfare security, workload and class type were highly correlated with turnover intention. Among attitudes/ perceptions of profession predictors, organizational commitment and teaching motivation had medium to high influence on turnover intention while occupation skill showed medium effect sizes. Personal trait indicators, such as different types of personality traits, had varying influence on turnover intention while a teacher's psychological resources had relatively high effect sizes. Based on these findings, the research and practice implications were discussed.
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