Effect of affective teaching skills on adolescent academic achievement:The mediating role of academic control and the moderating role of perceived teacher acceptance |
HE Anming, LIN Xing, HUI Qiuping, ZHANG Yu |
School of Education Science, Xinyang Normal University, Xinyang 464000 |
Abstract To explore the relationships and mechanisms between affective teaching skills, academic control, perceived teacher acceptance and academic achievement, the research surveyed 1004 adolescents from 4 middle schools in Henan province, using adapted Affective Teaching Skills Scale, Academic Control Scale and Teacher Subscale of the Approval Support Scale for Children and Adolescents. The main findings were as follows: Affective teaching skills positively predicted academic achievement, academic control mediated the relationship between affective teaching skills and academic achievement. Moreover, perceived teacher acceptance played a moderating role in the relationship between affective teaching skills and academic control. That is, only for individuals with high perceived teacher acceptance, affective teaching skills positively predicted academic control. The results suggest that, as a necessary condition, teacher acceptance affects the influence of teaching skills on students’ academic achievement. The results demonstrate and expand the control-value theory of achievement emotions, enrich the research on the antecedents of academic achievement, and provide a basis for improving adolescents’ academic achievement. Practically, the current study encourages the front-line educators not only pay attention to improving teaching skills, but also improve attitude towards students.
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