The psychological origin and representation of the formation of Chinese pastoral complex |
LIAO Yingying1,2, WANG Fengyan1,2 |
1 Institute of Moral Education Research, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210097; 2 School of Psychology, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210097 |
Abstract Pastoral complex is the epitome of Chinese agricultural civilization. With the acceleration of urbanization and the promotion of rural revitalization strategy, in order to better understand the psychology and behavior of Chinese people, it is necessary to further explore the psychological root of the formation of pastoral complex and its representation in daily life. This paper discussed the internalization mechanism and externalization forms of pastoral complex through two studies. Study 1 used the qualitative method to explore the psychological root of pastoral complex formation. From a grounded theory base, preliminary analysis, generic analysis and theoretical construction of the collected data were made. Sum up the pastoral complex form the psychological root of mainly from three aspects: realistic, psychological and behavioral. In study 2, the representation of pastoral complex was obtained by questionnaire survey: pastoral dream in mind, passion for garden life and love of pastoral works.
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