You are what you wear: Research progress of the effect of dress on wearer’s behaviors |
PAN Xiaofu, DENG Jiamin, HE Lidong |
College of State Governance, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715 |
Abstract The effects of dress on people are obvious. On the one hand, it is seen through other’s mirror comments and on the other hand, it comes from the wearer’s self-perception. This paper focuses on the effects of dress on the wearer’s behavior from the perspective of the wearer’s self perception and behavioral experience. Based on the enclothed cognition theory, the role theory, the self-objectification theory and the self-image product-image congruity theory, the theoretical mechanism is further analyzed. Future study should focus on enriching connotation definition, refining symbolic meaning, improving the study of mechanism and exploring the persistence of influence.
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