The relationship between professional identity and work engagement of junior middle school teachers: The role of self-efficacy and teacher metacognition |
XIE Yuntian1, SHI Zifu2 |
1 Department of Applied Psychology, Changsha Normal University, Changsha 410100; 2 Department of Psychology, Hunan Normal University, Cognition and Human Behavior Key Laboratory of Hunan Province, Changsha 410081 |
Abstract A questionnaire survey was conducted to explore the relationship between professional identity and work engagement of junior middle school teachers, as well as the role of self-efficacy and teacher metacognition in it. The results showed that there was significant and positive correlation among professional identity, work engagement, self-efficacy and metacognition. In addition, self-efficacy played a part of mediating role on the relationship between professional identity and work engagement. And teachers metacognition moderated the mediating effect. Compared with teachers who had lower levels of metacognition, the effect size of the mediating effect of teachers who had higher levels of metacognition increased significantly. Excluding teacher metacognitive experience, the moderating effects of other dimensions of teacher's metacognition reached the significant or marginal significant levels. To promote the work engagement of junior middle school teachers, it is necessary to improve the levels of teachers' professional identity, as well as enhance teachers' self-efficacy and cultivate their metacognitive abilities.
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