The effect of automatic emotion regulation on attention bias for altruistic stimuli |
HAO Fang, WANG Xiaojin, LIU Changjiang |
School of Psychology, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210097 |
Abstract Altruism is a typical manifestation of the goodness of human nature, and is sometimes unconscious and automatic. The present study aimed to examine whether altruism images were automatically processed and automatic emotion regulation could influence attention bias toward altruistic logos, by adopting emotional flanker task and Chinese four-character idiom matching task. Two experimental conditions were designed, one was an automatic emotion regulation condition with altruistic or positive meaning, and the other was a neutral control condition. The results showed that after automatic emotion regulation was activated, the participants responded faster to altruistic images with higher accuracy; No matter what type of priming, when altruistic images and neutral images were presented at the same time, the participants responded slower to neutral images than three neutral images. The results showed that automatic emotion regulation could effectively enhance the attention bias of altruism emotion, and attention bias to altruistic stimuli was prior to processing.
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