Revision of the positive social mentalities scale and its validation on the older adults |
WANG Yifu, TIAN Hemei, YIN Peihao |
School of Educational Science, Huaiyin Normal University, Huai'an 223300 |
Abstract Based on the social mentalities scale developed earlier, we constructed the measurement model structure of the positive social mentalities scale(PSMS) concerning other relevant measurements and expert opinions, and the items of the initial PSMS were modified or rewritten based on the original scales. Formal PSMS was formed according to the exploratory factor analysis and item analysis results. Then a sample of 512 older adults was selected to evaluate internal consistency reliability, structural validity, and criterion association validity. The results showed that the internal consistency reliability and split-half reliability coefficients of the total and sub-scales of PSMS were high. Confirmatory factor analysis showed that the measurement model was well-fitted with suitable aggregate and discriminative validity, and empirical validity.
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