Face specificity? The view of N170 from the perspective of modeling |
SU Yongqi1, LUO Yujun2, CHEN Jun1 |
1 School of Psychology, South China Normal University, Key Laboratory, Ministry of Education, Center for Studies of Psychological Application, Guangdong Key Laboratory of Mental Health and Cognitive Science, Guangzhou 510631; 2 Tianhe No.1 Experimental Primary School of Guangzhou |
Abstract N170 is an EEG negative component recorded 130-200ms after stimulus presentation and peaks at 160-170ms. The N170 ERP has been found to be consistently larger in response to the presentation of faces than to other objects. In the meanwhile, study found that other non-facial stimulus such as charac- ters also could induce a large amplitude of N170. Thus the face specificity theory and visual expertise theory are born based on different findings of research. Currently, the main controversy of Nl 70 on the specificity of human face processing is not addressed yet. We addressed this contradiction by analyzing multiple relate research, and proposed to establish a moderated-mediating model with stimulus type as the independent variable, N170 as the dependent variable, the individual's level of expertization of the stimulus as the mediating variable, and the attention resources that the stimulus could use and the reference electrode selected for measurement as the mediating variables, hopefully explore the internal mechanism of N170.
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