Processing relationship between ethnic group information and emotional information and the influence of social contact degree in face recognition |
CUI Zhanling1, WANG Shumin1, GUO Jin1, DU Huibo1, SHEN Xunbing2 |
1 College of Education, Hebei Normal University, Shijiazhuang 050024; 2 College of Humanities, Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Nanchang 330004 |
Abstract Ninety-eight Tibetan students participated in this investigation that focused on the relationship between ethnicity and emotion during facial recognition. Recognition of Han Chinese faces was tested using the Learning-Recognition paradigm under different levels of social exposure to Han Chinese. Results showed that: (1) Ethnicity and emotional information were processed independently when social contact levels were low; Ethnic information processing was not affected by emotional information and an other - race effect were observed; (2) When social contact levels were high, ethnicity processing was affected by emotional information and the other-race effect was reversed. Because the dimensions in two-dimensional information processing during facial recognition do not have a fixed relationship, both facial information and the level of social contact between individuals should be considered when investigating face recognition.
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