Chinese tennis players emotional intelligence theory model construction and scale preparation
ZHAO Mingnan1, JIANG Haoqi2, QI Bing3, YANG Jun2
1 Tianjin University of Sport, Tianjin 301617; 2 School of Physical Education and Sport, Henan University, Kaifeng 475000; 3 Beijing Sport University, Beijing 100000
Abstract In order to develop emotional intelligence scale for tennis players, by interviewing and investigating the feelings of the athletes of level 2 (and above), we formed a preliminary measurement table with 52 entries. After preliminary test, The formal scale was comprised of four dimensions: Emotional perception, emotional expression, emotional evaluation and emotional regulation, with a total of 28 items. There was high reliability (consistency coefficient and test-retest reliability) and validity (construct validity, concurrent validity) in scale, moreover, it could predict sports performance, which could be used as an effective tool to measure the emotional intelligence of Chinese tennis players.
ZHAO Mingnan,JIANG Haoqi,QI Bing, et al. Chinese tennis players emotional intelligence theory model construction and scale preparation[J]. Psychological Research, 2024, 17(1): 42-53.
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