How to promote employee voice behavior by changing situations:The role of temporal landmarks |
LI Xiao1, XU Tingting2, DUAN Jinyun2 |
1 Suzhou Industrial Park Institute of Services Outsourcing, Suzhou 215123; 2 School of Psychology and Cognitive Science, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062 |
Abstract Employee’s voice behavior is an important role in an organization’s innovation and development. The emergence and function of voice behavior cannot be separated from the situation of the organization. This study aimed to explore the role of temporal landmarks in the process of employee voice by changing the situation. This study discussed how to use the nudge mechanism and took appropriate methods to change the situation to promote employee voice. The study proposed that the influence of temporal landmarks on employee voice was a process that was nudged by external contextual factors, thus affecting employees’ intrinsic voice motivation. The employee voice motivation promoted employee voice behavior, while the change of situation can enhance employee voice motivation and promote employees to have more voice behavior. This process included two steps: The first step was to generate voice motivation through temporal landmarks, that is, the comparison between the present voice-self and the expected future voice-self promotes induced employee voice motivation. The second step was to enhance employees’ voice motivation through the changed of situation to make their employees produce more voice behavior. From the perspective of the nudge, we explored how to use the nudge mechanism and adopted appropriate methods to promote employees’ voice behavior by changing the situation. This integration perspective was helpful for researchers to understand the influencing factors and internal mechanism of employee’s voice behavior, and had important practical implications for promoting the development of the organization.
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