A cross-temporal meta-analysis of childhood psychological maltreatment changes in Chinese adolescents |
JIN Tonglin1,2,3, WU Yuntena1,2,3, ZHANG Lu1,2,3, LEI Zeyu1,2,3, KONG Dehua1,2,3 |
1 College of Psychology, Inner Mongolia Normal University, Hohhot 010022; 2 Research Center of Psychological Education, Key Research Base of Humanities and Social Science in Inner Mongolia Colleges and Universities, Hohhot 010022; 3 Mental Health Education Research and Service Center, Key Research Base of Humanities and Social Science in Inner Mongolia Colleges and Universities, Hohhot 010022 |
Abstract Childhood psychological maltreatment is a series of incorrect parenting from continuous and repeated pattern of fosters, which will make children feel useless and unloved, and seriously damage the development of children normal social functions. In order to explore the changes in Chinese adolescents' childhood psychological maltreatment level from 2008 to 2018 and its gender difference, we collected the literature investigating on Chinese adolescents by the Childhood Psychological Maltreatment Scale (CPMS) in recent ten years. The results showed that, in recent eleven years, the score of CPMS has negatively correlated with the year of data collection; The overall level of Chinese adolescents'childhood psychological maltreatment has decreased over time. But the change range belongs to the medium and small effects and the rate is relatively slow; The overall scores of CPMS has no obvious gender differences, but male adolescents are more likely to threat and derogation maltreatment than female adolescents.
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