The profiles of academic motivation among primary school students:A study based on the latent profile analysis |
ZHOU Lihua1,2, ZHANG Xiaoxian3 |
1 School of Education, Zhejiang International Studies University, Hangzhou 310023; 2 Institute for Studies on Education Governance, Zhejiang International Studies University, Hangzhou 310023; 3 School of Education, Hangzhou Normal University,Hangzhou 311121 |
Abstract This study aimed to identify the latent profiles of academic motivation among Chinese primary students,and to model possible predictors(age,gender,and basic psychological needs)and outcome(class engagement)of profile membership. Totally 2868 3rd to 6th Graders were asked to complete the Self-Regulation Questionnaire-Academic,the Activity-Feeling States,as well as the Self-Report Engagement scale. The results of the latent profile analysis showed that:(1)A model of 6 latent profiles of academic motivation was supported, including a low autonomous regulation group(the external regulation profile,the controlled regulation profile,and the low mixed profile)and a high autonomous regulation group(the autonomous profile,the introjected and autonomous profile,and the high mixed profile).(2)Age,gender,and basic psychological needs could predict the likelihood of membership among profiles.On the whole,younger girls predicted membership of the high autonomous regulation group,moreover,greater satisfaction of basic psychological needs predicted membership of the high autonomous regulation group.(3)The high autonomous regulation group reported more class engagement compared with the low autonomous regulation group. These results help educators provide tailor-made guidance to foster pupils' academic motivation.
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