Parental corporal punishment and adolescent drinking behavior:The mediating role of school engagement and deviant peer affiliation |
CHEN Pei, CHEN Yuxuan, HE Wenxuan, LUO Yiling, CHEN Mohan, YU Chengfu |
Department of Psychology/Research Center of Adolescent Psychology and Behavior, School of Education,Guangzhou University, Guangzhou 510006 |
Abstract Using a series of questionnaires surveyed a sample of 1354 junior students in order to explore the mediating roles of school engagement and deviant peer affiliation between parental corporal punishment and adolescent drinking behavior. The results showed that:(1) Parental corporal punishment was significantly positively correlated with female adolescent drinking behavior, but it was not significantly related with male drinking behavior; (2) Both school engagement and deviant peer affiliation mediated the relationship between parental corporal punishment and male adolescent drinking behavior, that is, parental corporal punishment diminished school engagement and increased the risk of deviant peer affiliation, and thus leading to male adolescent drinking behavior. However, this chain of mediating effect was not significant in female adolescent. (3) In addition, school engagement mediated the relationship between parental corporal punishment and male adolescent drinking, and it was not significantly in female drinking behavior. (4) Deviant peer affiliation mediated significantly the relationship between parental corporal punishment and adolescent drinking behavior.
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