Effects of discrimination learning on fear generalization |
ZHAO Shaochen1,2, YUE Jieru1, CHEN Wei1, RONG Muxin1, YANG Zifan1, MENG Lingyi1, ZHENG Xifu1 |
1 Key Laboratory of Brain, Cognition and Education Sciences, Ministry of Education, China; School of Psychology, Center for Studies of Psychological Application, and Guangdong Key Laboratory of Mental Health and Cognitive Science, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631; 2 China People's Police University, Guangzhou 510663 |
Abstract The two-pathway model of fear suggests that fear can be processed through fast and slow pathways. Previous studies proposed a fear generalization model based on perceptual similarity. It is worth noting that in addition to primary perceptual processing, humans also engage in higher cognitive processing. The mechanism of primary perceptual processing and higher cognitive processing remains unclear. This study used the classical discriminative conditioning fear paradigm to explore the underlying mechanism of fear generalization from the perspective of discriminative learning constituted by numbers. Forty-three subjects were randomly assigned to sign learning group and number learning group. The results showed that participants acquired fear in both subjective expectation and skin conductance response (SCR) during the process of fear acquisition. In the process of fear generalization, subjective expectancy rating and SCR were separated. Specifically, subjects learned discriminative fear generalization in subjective expectancy rating, but did not appear generalization in SCR index. This suggests that there may be different processing mechanisms between subjective expectation and SCR in fear generalization. It is instructive to treat anxiety disorder from cognition and automatic physiological response, respectively.
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