Study on the current situation and countermeasures of the construction of the public psychological services of minors |
LYU Houchao, JIN Lei, HAO Haiping |
School of Psychology, Time Psychology Research Center, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715 |
Abstract The public psychological services for minors are an important part of the public psychological services, it is the same line with the public psychological services. Currently, the public psychological services for minors are stable and improving. The national policy has been continuously improved, the construction of the public psychological services of minors is well-founded. Each pilot area adapted measures to local conditions and explore basic service models that conform to regional characteristics. Establish and improve the public psychological service platform for minors, the team of professional talents continued to grow. However, the public psychological services for minors still have some limitations. Such as the family psychological services are still insufficient, the network emotional administration is yet developed, the positive nature of minors has not been fully explored. In the future, the construction of the public psychological services should be further improved from the aspects of establishing a psychological crisis screening mechanism for minors, increasing the popularization of psychological knowledge, facilitating home-school-community cooperation, and encouraging the inner potential of minors.
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