The effect of implicit beliefs about emotion on mobile phone addiction:Moderated mediating effect |
HUI Qiuping, YAO Honghong, WEI Hua, HE Anming |
School of Educational Science, Xinyang Normal University, Xinyang 464000 |
Abstract In present study, 818 college students were tested by Implicit Beliefs about Emotion Scale, Maladaptive Cognition Scale, Dual Filial Piety Belief Scale and the Mobile Phone Addiction Tendency Scale to explore the relationship between implicit beliefs about emotion and mobile phone addiction, as well as the mechanism of maladaptive cognition and filial piety belief. Results showed that:(1)There was a positive correlation between implicit beliefs about emotion and mobile phone addiction;(2)Maladaptive cognition played a mediating role in implicit beliefs about emotion and mobile phone addiction; (3)Reciprocal filial piety belief played a moderating role between implicit beliefs about emotion and maladaptive cognition, while authoritative filial piety did not play a moderating role.
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