The roles of semantic size and number of stimuli in asymmetric visual search |
SHEN Wenyi1, YU Zhanyu1, LENG Ying2 |
1 School of Education Science, Jiangsu Normal University, Xuzhou 221116; 2 School of Education Science, Nantong University, Nantong 226019 |
Abstract For investigating the roles of semantic size and number of stimuli in asymmetric visual search, we adopted the different semantic sizes of Chinese characters and instructed the participants to search target stimulus in two types of stimulus numbers: 6 and 12. Results showed that: (1) When the number of stimuli was 6, the search efficiency of the target with the small semantic size was higher than that of the target with the large semantic size; (2) When the number of stimuli was 12, the search efficiency of the target with the larger semantic size was higher than that of the target with smaller semantic size; (3) When the semantic size of the interferential stimuli and the target stimuli were the same, the search efficiency of the interferential stimuli with more number and large semantic size was slower. This study confirmed the interaction of spatial and numerical representations in asymmetric visual search, which supported embodied cognition theory, and extended the feature integration theory and guided search model.
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