From “psychoanalysis” to “embodied cognition”:The integration of metaverse to the history of psychology |
WUHE Tianze1, DENG Yun1, SU Jiajia2 |
1 School of Education Guangzhou University, Guangzhou 510006; 2 School of Psychology, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua 321004 |
Abstract Metaverse has become a hot topic for researchers at home and abroad. In the past two years, the number of literatures published on the theme of meta-universe has increased explosively. We define metaverse as a technological integration entity that meets the needs of human spirit. However, the integration of many technologies is lack of theoretical support. Psychology is a science that studies human psychological phenomena, but there has always been a conflict between “division” and “integration” in psychology. The essence of its division is that psychology is still not a paradigm discipline. Looking back at the historical process of the development of psychology, the development of psychology is inseparable from the progress of research tools, which is based on the development of technology. Metaverse provides the possibility for the unification of this technology. From the point of view of the combination of theory and technology, this paper aims to discuss the feasibility of combining four influential schools of psychology-psychoanalysis, behaviorism, humanism, cognitive psychology-with metaverse, and the article holds that the future development of metaverse will be closely related to embodied cognition.
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