The connection between Piaget's science of consciousness and contemporary consciousness research |
XIE Xiaodan1,2, WANG Zhilin3, JIANG Ke2,4 |
1 School of Humanity, Tongji University, Shanghai, 200092; 2 School of Psychiatry, Wenzhou Medical University, Wenzhou 325035; 3 Institute of Medical Humanities, Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing 211166; 4 Zhejiang Key Laboratory of Alzheimer's Disease, Geriatric Research Institute of WenzhouMedical University, Wenzhou 325035 |
Abstract Philosophers have raised five questions about Piaget's work on consciousness: (1)Was Piaget's work really a study of consciousness? (2)Is Piaget's study of consciousness the same as the classic topic of consciousness study? (3)What was Piaget's "consciousness" mean? (4)Could the study of consciousness be a science? (5)What contribution does Piaget's study of consciousness make to contemporary discussions on consciousness? This article responds to these questions one by one. Piaget's work was processed all around the issue of consciousness; Piaget made a constructive definition of consciousness through the theory of genetic epistemology: Consciousness is a process of structurization of cognition; Piaget's science of consciousness is actually a view of the history of science on a macroscopic scale; There are epistemological and methodological links between Piaget's work and the contemporary study of consciousness.
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