心理研究  2024, Vol. 17 Issue (3): 242-251    DOI: 10.19988/j.cnki.issn.2095-1159.2024.03.007
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刘宗华1,2, 郭昱琅3, 毛天平4
1 三峡大学经济与管理学院,宜昌 443002;
2 武汉大学中国产学研合作问题研究中心,武汉 430072;
3 广东财经大学工商管理学院,广州 510320;
4 四川建筑职业技术学院, 德阳 618000
How can responsible leadership enhance employee innovative behavior:The role of job insecurity and willingness to take risks
LIU Zonghua1,2, GUO Yulang3, MAO Tianping4
1 School of Economics and Management, China Three Gorges University, Yichang 443002;
2 Research Center for China Industry-University-Research Institute Collaboration, Wuhan University,Wuhan 430072;
3 School of Business Administration,Guangdong University of Finance & Economics,Guangzhou 510320;
4 Economics & Management Department, Sichuan College of Architectural Technology,Deyang 618000
地址:河南省开封市金明大道河南大学金明校区    电话:0371-23881916
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