The effect of salary equity perception on the retention intention of public-interest kindergarten teachers: The mediating effect of salary satisfaction and the moderating effect of opportunity equity perception
LIU Yan, SONG Liqin
Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875
刘焱, 宋丽芹. 薪酬公平感知对普惠性幼儿园教师留任意愿的影响:薪酬满意的中介作用和机会公平感知的调节作用[J]. 心理研究, 2022, 15(1): 61-69.
LIU Yan, SONG Liqin. The effect of salary equity perception on the retention intention of public-interest kindergarten teachers: The mediating effect of salary satisfaction and the moderating effect of opportunity equity perception. Psychological Research, 2022, 15(1): 61-69.
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