Research on cognitive processing characteristics of mental rotation of students with mathematics learning disabilities
GU Huang1, FAN Ruilu2, ZHAO Junfeng1
1. Department of Psychology, Henan University, Kaifeng 475004; 2. Center of Mental Health Education and Guidance, Henan University of Urban Construction, Pingdingshan 467036
谷璜, 范瑞璐, 赵俊峰. 数学学习困难初中生心理旋转的脑电特点[J]. 心理研究, 2022, 15(4): 311-317.
GU Huang, FAN Ruilu, ZHAO Junfeng. Research on cognitive processing characteristics of mental rotation of students with mathematics learning disabilities. Psychological Research, 2022, 15(4): 311-317.
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