Study on Chinese indigenous leadership: Exploration and enlightenment of CPM leadership theory |
LI Ming1, LING Wenquan2 |
1 Department of Leadership Science, Shanghai Administration Institute, Shanghai 200233; 2 School of Management, Jinan University, Guangzhou 510632 |
Abstract CPM leadership theory was proposed in 1980s, which holds that the Chinese leadership behavior evaluation model contains three factors: “Performance achieving”, “Maintenance” and “Character and moral”. The theoretical research more than 35 years can be divided into three periods: Proposed and verified period, re-verification and supplementary discussion period, effectiveness and mechanisms discussion period. CPM leadership theory incorporates leader’s personal character into the concept of leadership as a cultural specific factor, which reflects the Chinese characteristics of the leadership evaluation model, breakthrough and develop the two-dimensional model of “task-oriented and relationship- oriented”. The most important innovation and breakthrough of CPM leadership theory, is to regard “personal morality” as an indispensable key factor for people to evaluate leaders’ behavior. Related research about CPM leadership theory can provide enlightenments and references for the development of Chinese indigenous leadership research. The future research can focus on the enrichment of the discussion of indigenization of leadership concept, exploring the multi-side exploration of antecedents and consequences variables of leadership behavior, conducting multicultural comparative study of leadership theory, deeply revealing the mechanism of leadership “black box”.
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