The influence of objective overqualification on perceived overqualification:A moderated-mediation model |
FU Chuhang1, CAI Yang1, DENG Mianlin1, XING Zhenming2, SHI Wendian1 |
1 School of Education, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234; 2 Gansu Province, Shandan Peili School, Zhangye 734100 |
Abstract To investigate the relationship between objective overqualification and perceived overqualification, our study explored the influence of objective overqualification on perceived overqualification based on the perspective of employees’ achievement motivation and psychological needs. Data were collected from 436 employees in enterprises and institutions. The results indicated that objective overqualifications had a positive effect on perceived overqualifications. Autonomy need satisfaction played a partial mediating role in the relationship between objective overqualification and perceived overqualification. Performance goal orientation moderated the relationship between autonomy need satisfaction and perceived overqualification. Under the circumstance of autonomy need being satisfied, the more employees were oriented by performance goals, the more overqualification they were likely to perceive. Our study provided an explanation for the reasons of the formation mechanism of the employees’ perceived overqualification.
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